I bought a 15-type Lucas battery. The original connector requires the positive terminal to be screwed directly into the terminal, something which I’ve never seen before. The battery did not have a suitable hole in the terminal, so I drilled a pilot hole. I’m aware this arrangement has some disadvantages like making it hard to jump start the car, but I’d like to keep it original so I’ll run with it for now.
I purchased a Screw – Battery Lead to Terminal 50552A from Rimmer Bros.
The electrics had never been tested since the car was reassembled; with trepidation I connected the battery terminals for the first time. Thankfully there was no fire, or even smoke, but there was some faults – the ignition and oil pressure lights were on even with the key out of the ignition. I noted that the horn and interior lights weren’t working, and these are on the same fuse.
Some studying of the circuit diagram showed that the fuse box was wired wrongly. This is wrong!
This is correct, the brown and white wires are on the battery side.